Mdluli not suitable to hold any position in SAPS - Kohler Barnard

DA MP says shifting of policeman does not address problem of allegations against him

Mdluli musical chairs not good enough

The Democratic Alliance (DA) objects to the 'shift' of controversial policeman Richard Mdluli to the operations division of the South African Police Service (SAPS) as reported this morning, allegedly causing deep resentment within that unit.

Mdluli is not suitable to hold any senior position in the SAPS and his ‘shifting' does not address the problems surrounding serious allegations of murder, fraud, nepotism, corruption and abuse of power levelled against him.

The Acting National Commissioner's excuse that labour legislation is preventing this is not satisfactory. There are currently 869 SAPS members on precautionary suspension at a total cost of R8 million.

The DA will accordingly submit parliamentary questions today to determine whether the process of precautionary suspension of Mdluli has been initiated or is being considered given the serious allegations of theft and fraud against him. The Minister must also provide us with details about Mdluli's new position and what his duties and responsibilities will be.

All of the available evidence suggests that Richard Mdluli is not fit to serve in any part of the Police Service or criminal justice system.

This game of musical chairs in the top ranks of the SAPS does nothing to boost public confidence in the police.

Statement issued by Dianne Kohler Barnard MP, DA Shadow Minister of Police, May 10 2012

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