MEC turns a blind eye to ten years of pollution in the Baberspan Bird Sanctuary - DA NWest

Jacqueline Theologo says reserve was declared a Wetland of International Importance in 1971

MEC turns a blind eye to ten years of pollution in the Baberspan Bird Sanctuary

11 March 2022

Note to Editors: Please find the attached soundbite in English by Jacqueline Theologo.  

A report released by the North West Parks Board after an oversight visit by the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT), stated that the bird numbers and diversity at the Baberspan Bird Sanctuary are plummeting due to the Harts River pollution.

Barberspan Bird Sanctuary, also known as the Barberspan Reserve, was declared a “Ramsar Site”, or Wetland of International Importance in 1971. Due to the diversity and abundance of water birds, especially migratory birds, present in the pan, it was also included in the list of International Wetlands under the RAMSAR convention and declared an “International Important Bird Area” by Birdlife International.

Now pollution is threatening this acclaimed gem of our province. According to the report, four non-working sewage plants upstream are the leading cause of untreated raw sewage overflowing into veld, wetlands and the Harts River flowing into Barberspan. The report states that this has been happening for more than ten years! Mismanagement and maladministration are the main factors at play and is now the cause of the threat to the ecological integrity of the pan and its RAMSAR status.

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) National Ramsar Management Committee chose Baberspan to pilot an enforcement project by Special Environmental Investigators from DFFE, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DME), and the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) to investigate the effect of sewage plants and mines and their impact on the Harts River. Three tanker truck operators were caught in the act during the investigation, pumping out raw sewage into the veld and the river.

We hold MEC of DEDECT, Kenetswe Mosenogi personally responsible for The extent of the damage done to this beautiful heritage and the mere fact that the MEC has allowed this to carry on for ten years is proof of her incompetence and total lack of political will.

The DA will request a full report on the progress of the investigation into the illegal dumping of raw sewage by the three tanker trucks and lodge a formal complaint with the Green Scorpions.

The DA will persist in putting pressure on the North West Government not to leave us with an environmentally damaged future and ensure the protection of our most precious resource, water.

Issued by Jacqueline Theologo, DA Spokesperson for Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism in the NW Provincial Legislature, 11 March 2022