Judgment affecting the extension of the clothing bargaining council collective agreement
15 Mar 2013
The Minister of Labour, Mildred Oliphant has accepted the judgment of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court issued on Wednesday 13 March 2013 and has enjoined the Department of Labour to abide by it.
This judgment set aside the Minister's extension of the main agreement of the National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry to non-parties in December 2010.
Judge Piet Koen found that the Minister was incorrect in relying on a certificate of representivity issued to the Clothing Bargaining Council rather than basing her decision on the representivity of the parties to the collective agreement at the time that the agreement was submitted to the department. This judgment echoes a judgment issued by the Labour Court in Johannesburg in December 2012.
The judgments stem from a misalignment between two sections of the Labour Relations Act which is being corrected through the amendments to the Labour Relations Act. In the meantime, the department will abide by the judgment and has already changed its practice. Certificates of representivity issued in terms of section 49 of the Labour Relations Act will not be used when considering extensions of collective agreements.