MK Party has engaged with ANC

Any coalition must eradicate systems that preserve subjugation and economic enslavement of our people

MK Party Clarifies Engagement with ANC on coalitions:

The MK Party confirms that engagements with the African National Congress (ANC) have indeed taken place regarding the coalition discussions. A meeting is expected to take place soon, where the MK Party will hear the views presented with an open mind, while firmly prioritizing the inspirations and aspirations of the South African majority and blacks in particular.

We commit and reaffirm to engage only in the future of South Africa, which prioritizes the interests of the people, especially the black majority who are poor, unemployed, homeless, and landless against the interests of white monopoly capital and markets. Any coalition has to focus on eradicating the systems that preserve and support the prolonged political subjugation and economic enslavement of our people.

Statement issued by Nhlamulo Ndhlela, MK Party Media and Communications, 6 June 2024