Mokonyane offers nothing new on cutting corruption - Mmusi Maimane

DA GPC says Premier's SOPA short on vision for job creation, clean government

GP SOPA short on vision for jobs, clean government

Premier Mokonyane failed to tell Gauteng residents how she will cut corruption and create jobs in her State of the Province Address today.

I attended the Premier's address this morning and I agree that life is better today than in 1994.

But with multi-billion rand budgets in Gauteng we should be doing far more to create opportunities for all.

"Job opportunities" through Public Works cannot be front and centre of government's plans. We need to create real jobs, not just work opportunities.

We must expand not just EPWP but also increase the rollout of internship, entrepreneur support and apprenticeship programmes.

Unemployment is at 35% in South Africa and thousands are without work in Gauteng, especially young people.

Entrepreneurs should be leading job creation in Gauteng but are not supported enough. 

Current programmes do little to help businesses. Instead the Premier was clear in her support for E-tolling today which kills jobs and makes all Gauteng residents poorer.

We need to direct more resources in the form of access to credit, subsidies and equipment to businesses.

Corruption in government also kills opportunities to support job creation.

Gauteng loses over R6 billion a year to wasteful and irregular expenditure and, according to Corruption Watch, 38% of all corruption in South Africa happens in Gauteng.

And yet the Premier offered nothing new on cutting corruption today.

What we should have heard today was that Tender Committees will be opened to the public so that decisions can be transparent.

Officials and politicians should not be able to do business with the state or hold office if they have corruption convictions.

To curb luxury spending we also need a new Ministerial Handbook in Gauteng.

Tomorrow I will present an Alternative State of the Province Address that outlines a vision for realizing Gauteng's full potential.

In this year's Election, voters will have a choice between jobs and clean government or 5 more years of corruption and high unemployment under Zuma's ANC.

Statement issued by Mmusi Maimane, DA Gauteng Premier Candidate, February 24 2014

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