New West Rand mayor a progressive move away from arrogant DA – EFF Gauteng

Party known for directing resources to white-dominated areas and leaving black people stranded, say Fighters

EFF Gauteng welcomes the election of a new Mayor and Council Whip in the West Rand District Municipality

11 April 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters Gauteng welcomes the election of Councillor Thabisa Gwede Bhovungana of the ANC as the Executive Mayor and Brenda Mahuma of the ANC as Council Whip in the West Rand District Municipality.

The EFF understands this as a progressive move from the racist and arrogant DA towards a more accountable, respectful and effective governance in the West Rand.

The DA coalition has been characterized by instability attributed to the paternalistic behaviour of the DA to its partners. The DA is also known for directing resources meant for services to white-dominated areas and leaving black people stranded.

Consequently , the EFF has resolved to recruit the racist DA out of municipal executive positions across the province, in favor of partnerships that will put the interest of the people in the forefront; and with the EFF directly participating in governance by delivering services and demonstrating the people's government as envisaged by the immediate task ahead is the establishment people's government that will respond to challenges of housing and dolomitic lands, that will prioritize the building of water and road infrastructure, that will hold mines accountable for their social labor plans, create jobs for the youth, and address the issues of crime, especially Gender-Based Violence and vandalism on electricity infrastructure in the West Rand.

Issued by Nkululeko Dunga, Provincial Chairperson, EFF, 12 April 2023