NHI must be resisted resolutely for as long as necessary - Sakeliga

Promotion of these proposals by the presidency is irresponsible in part because it fosters false expectations

NHI must be resisted resolutely for as long as necessary - Sakeliga 

15 May 2024

Sakeliga considers the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act an unacceptable and irresponsible legislative proposal and will oppose its implementation.  

We urge businesses and the public to resist this attempted nationalisation of healthcare services and medical practitioners wherever possible. Further, we encourage support for organisations committed to challenging the NHI Act in various ways, including through litigation, and promoting freedom in healthcare services.  

The promotion of these proposals by the presidency is irresponsible in part because it fosters false expectations about the public availability of private healthcare resources. Such false expectations can further undermine the culture of respect for and protection of property so necessary for flourishing societies and economies. 

Sound ethics require that businesses and the communities they serve oppose state intervention where that intervention is harmful and unjustified, as is clearly the case with the NHI proposals. In such cases, it is appropriate for businesses to strive for maximum achievable non-compliance in their own and the public interest. 

Sakeliga welcomes the widespread opposition to the Act. We intend to oppose the Act for as long as is necessary, and look forward to collaborating with companies, civil society organisations and others, until the NHI Act is undone or rendered practically impotent.

Issued by Piet le Roux, CEO, Sakeliga, 15 May 2024