Police discover firearm featured in notorious eTV news story - SAPS

Hawks have identified a second suspect, a third individual has been arrested

Another suspect directly linked to the saga arrested

Police have made yet another key breakthrough surrounding investigations into the threats to rob and kill during the 2010 FIFA World Cup, made by two self-confessed criminals on eTV.

The police's elite investigative unit, the "Hawks" discovered the firearm shown in the footage in Tshepisong, Kagiso yesterday. This is four days after the arrest of the criminal who threatened to kill on eTV that is now behind bars and appeared in court yesterday. The other thug is still on the loose but police are closing in on his tracks and the arrest is now imminent.

As a "bonus" a third suspect (who did not appear in the footage but is closely linked to this saga) was also arrested yesterday and will appear in court soon. The Hawks also discovered another shot-gun, which was also not shown in the footage in question.

Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa says the latest developments are indeed affirmation that the force will have no mercy on any criminal threats or actions.

"I am really satisfied with the manner in which police have dealt a blow to these criminals. Given the latest developments, we remain confident that police will soon bring down this syndicate on its knees, if indeed it is a syndicate."

"If any so-called mastermind or would be criminal thinks the 2010 FIFA World Cup is an easy "cash cow" they are so mistaken. No section of any part of the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the republic, makes provision for the protection, befriending and collaboration with criminals," added the Minister.

"The recovery of the firearm which was used during the notorious eTV footage is a clear indication that police are leaving no stone unturned in apprehending criminals. We will find them even if the hide in the Indian or Atlantic oceans, they will find us there. We will find them even if they connive with any fraternity in this country be it media or any other. We say no one is above the law," said national Police Commissioner, Bheki Cele.

"We shall continue with our efforts of obliterating criminals in this country hence we are calling upon members of the community to expose criminals irrespective of friendships or other. Our position is clear; a friend of a criminal is a criminal and we will not retreat nor be apologetic about our approach to fight crime and its remnants," concluded the commissioner.

It needs to be noted that none of these criminals surrendered themselves. It is the police's selfless dedication and all concerned citizens who would like to see the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the country succeed, who ensured the arrests.

Statement issued by South African Police Service, January 26 2010

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