Process to replace Hlophe started – Parliament

Speaker says it is however not possible to designate a replacement for this round of JSC interviews

Parliament’s statement on the withdrawal of Dr Mandlakayise John Hlophe from the Judicial Service Commission

8 October 2024

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms Thoko Didiza, has received a formal letter from uMkhonto weSizwe Party withdrawing its nomination of Dr Hlophe as one of the designated members of the National Assembly to serve on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). The Speaker has also received a subsequent letter from Dr Hlophe, in which he informed her of his decision to resign from the JSC with immediate effect.
The Speaker has acknowledged receipt and informed the Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, Mandisa Maya.
In accordance with the Constitution and the Rules of the National Assembly, the National Assembly is required to designate six persons from among its members to serve on the JSC. At least three of whom, must be members of opposition parties represented in the Assembly.
Following the vacancy created by Dr Hlophe’s resignation from the JSC, the National Assembly will proceed in terms of its Rules, to initiate the process to designate Dr Hlophe’s replacement in the JSC.  However, given the timing of Dr Hlophe’s resignation; the fact that the October 2024 interviews are already underway; and the process that must be followed, it is not possible to designate a replacement for this round of JSC interviews.

Issued by Moloto Mothapo, Media Officer, Parliament, 8 October 2024