Post by Renaldo Gouws to Facebook, 18 October 2013
Renaldo Gouws October 18, 2013 Port Elizabeth •
My first ever political video was uploaded to Youtube in 2007. For the last week I have scanned through all of the videos I have made and I have to admit that I have definitely grown as a person.
Call it getting older and wiser or call it educating myself but boy in some of those videos I said some stupid shit, in others I said some things that make me very proud as an older version of myself.
Looking back now I can understand how some people got angry with me, I can understand how I might have been perceived as aggressive and even racist. Obviously my intentions and outlook was never racist, but the way I delivered my opinions and facts might have been easily construed that way.
I will never apologize for feeling the way I did back then as there were various factors that brought out that rage in me, I will apologize though for not educating myself enough on certain topics before giving my opinion on them.