SA functioning as legal arm of Hamas - Israel

Today witnessed one of greatest shows of hypocrisy in history as genocided were labelled genocidaires at ICJ

Hearing of the South African petition at the ICJ


South Africa, which is functioning as the legal arm of the Hamas terrorist organization, utterly distorted the reality in Gaza following the October 7 massacre and completely ignored the fact that Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel, murdered, executed, massacred, raped and abducted Israeli citizens, simply because they were Israelis, in an attempt to carry out genocide.

Today we witnessed one of the greatest shows of hypocrisy in history, compounded by a series of false and baseless claims.

South Africa, which is functioning as the legal arm of the Hamas terrorist organization, utterly distorted the reality in Gaza following the October 7 massacre and completely ignored the fact that Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel, murdered, executed, massacred, raped and abducted Israeli citizens, simply because they were Israelis, in an attempt to carry out genocide.

South Africa seeks to allow Hamas to return to commit the war crimes, crimes against humanity and sexual crimes they committed repeatedly on October 7, as its leaders have stated.

Hamas’ representatives in the Court, the South African lawyers, are also ignoring the fact that Hamas uses the civilian population in Gaza as human shields and operates from within hospitals, schools, UN shelters, mosques and churches with the intention of endangering the lives of the residents of the Gaza Strip.

136 abductees are being held in Hamas captivity, denied access to Red Cross representatives and medical care.

The State of Israel will continue to protect its citizens in accordance with international law, while distinguishing between Hamas terrorists and the civilian population, and will work for the release of all abductees and the elimination of the Hamas terrorist organization, a racist and antisemitic terrorist organization that calls in its Covenant for the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jews.

Statement issued by Israel’s Foreign Ministry, 11 January 2024