SASSA takes over disaster relief assessments
The City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management Centre (DRMC) is no longer coordinating humanitarian relief efforts for disasters like fires and floods.
For many years, the DRMC conducted assessments in the wake of local disasters to determine the number of people affected and their specific needs. Once the assessment was completed, one of the City’s non-governmental partners would be activated to provide relief.
Cape Town was the only city in the country that had service level agreements with NGOs like the Mustadafin Foundation, Salvation Army and Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI) who would provide relief including food, blankets and vanity packs to affected communities. Their claims for reimbursement would be verified by the Disaster Risk Management Centre and submitted to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) for payment.
During the last quarter of 2017, the Disaster Risk Management Centre facilitated relief for 4 224 individuals affected by local disasters. This included provision for:
- 2 989 meals