Sbu Ndebele spends R1,4m on hotel stays - DA

DA MP says one stay at Hyatt Regency cost taxpayers R190,333

Minister of Transport spends nearly R1.4 million on hotel stays

reply to a Democratic Alliance (DA) parliamentary question reveals that Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele has spent R1 372 677 million on hotel accommodation since April 2009 for a total of 346 nights. That is almost one year's worth of hotel accommodation since he began his term.

What we are seeing is a growing trend of Ministers spending a fortune on their high -flying lifestyles at luxury hotels. The release of Minister Ndebele's hotel bills closely follows the revelation that Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson spent R1, 6 million on luxury accommodation. Last week former Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sicelo Shiceka, was fired from the Cabinet for abusing public money on fancy hotels.

Minister Ndebele's also reply reveals that, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Johannesburg, the Minister ran up a bill of R190 333 for 25 nights. This included a chauffer-driven car at a cost of R69 984.00. The irony of a Minister of Transport hiring a chauffer to ferry him around is not lost on us.

The DA has already asked the Public Protector to probe Minister Joemat-Pettersson's hotel stays. I will write to her today to request that she includes Minister Ndebele's exorbitant accommodation bills in her investigation.

Our Minister's taste for the high life is getting out of hand. What they do with their own money is up to them. But it is a matter of public concern what they do with the peoples' money. These funds should have been used to build houses for the poor, not to pamper members of the Cabinet.

This is power abuse, pure and simple. The Public Protector must hold them accountable.

Statement issued by Stuart Farrow MP, DA Shadow Minister of Transport, November 1 2011

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