Sithole and McGluwa to lead DA campaign for change in Mpumalanga and North West
20 September 21018
I am filled with hope and excitement in announcing Jane Sithole and Joe McGluwa as the DA Premier Candidates for Mpumalanga and the North West in the 2019 election. It feels fitting for the final two of nine DA Premier Candidates to be announced at the party headquarters in Johannesburg, Nkululeko House - a province at the heartbeat of our national project’s success.
Jane and Joe are two of nine excellent DA Candidates for Premier that will be bringing the DA’s agenda for change across the country to build One South Africa for All. They will be joined by DA Gauteng Premier Candidate, Solly Msimanga, DA Eastern Cape Premier Candidate, Nqaba Bhanga, DA Free State Premier Candidate, Patricia Kopane, DA KwaZulu Natal Premier Candidate, Zwakele Mncwango, DA Northern Cape Premier Candidate, Andrew Louw, DA Limpopo Premier Candidate, Jacques Smalle, and DA Western Cape Premier Candidate, Alan Winde.
Each of these nine brilliant DA Premier Candidates will lead the One South Africa For All campaign in their respective provinces. They are all running to make a DA difference and we mean business.
On Saturday in Johannesburg’s historic Mary Fitzgerald Square, my core team and I will be launching the DA’s 2019 National Elections Campaign. As the DA Premier Candidates in Mpumalanga and the North West, Jane and Joe will form a key part of team One South Africa For All and the other seven DA Premier Candidates’ success.