Student suspended from residence for misurinating-while-drunk - SU

Prof Wim de Villiers to consider further action and decide on suspension from the University

Statement regarding Eendrag incident and disciplinary process

22 OCTOBER 2022

The management of Stellenbosch University (SU) has reiterated its deep concern regarding the irresponsible use of alcohol on and around its campuses after learning of another urination incident involving a severely intoxicated student at a residence on the Stellenbosch Campus. The University must again emphasise that human dignity is non-negotiable at SU and must be respected and upheld. When such dignity is affected, it must be restored following the due process as provided for within the University's disciplinary framework.

As a well governed institution, SU feels strongly that the just course of the law and due process must always be followed to protect the rights of both affected and implicated students. It provides for defensible and sustainable outcomes.

The management of the Eendrag Residence was made aware of an incident involving a severely intoxicated student urinating in the room of fellow residence students in the early hours of Saturday morning (22 October). They acted immediately to report the incident to the relevant University structures for urgent escalation to SU executive management and immediate investigation.

The implicated student was suspended from the residence on 22 October 2022 pending the outcome of an investigation. The SU Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Wim de Villiers, will consider further action and decide on suspension from the University after consideration of the facts of the case.

“We will continue to use all the resources at our disposal to combat the scourge of irresponsible alcohol consumption by some of our students," Prof Deresh Ramjugernath, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching said. “Notwithstanding extensive interventions and the latest revised residence rules that strictly regulate alcohol use in residences, it is evident that more drastic action and regulations have become necessary, and there needs to be engagement with the municipality and business community as to how we can work together to curtail irresponsible alcohol consumption. We can leave no stone unturned in addressing this devastating behaviour".

He added that the case will be investigated by the University's Office of Student Discipline in accordance with the latest version of the Student Disciplinary Code (see “What is very important now is that all students be afforded the opportunity to prepare for the exams starting this week. It was also the clear wishes of the two affected students that their identities as well as that of the implicated student remains confidential.

The University will, as and when appropriate, communicate further on the outcomes of the investigations and processes that are underway as a matter of priority.

Statement issued by Stellenbosch University, 22 October 2022