Student wets chair while drunk - SU

Prof De Villiers expresses deep concern regarding irresponsible use of alcohol on and around its campus

Statement regarding Helshoogte urination incident and disciplinary process

23 September 2022

Human dignity is non-negotiable at Stellenbosch University (SU) and must be respected and upheld. When such dignity is affected, it must be restored following the due process as provided for within the University’s disciplinary framework.

As a well-governed institution, SU feels strongly that the just course of the law and regulations must always be followed to protect the interest and rights of both affected and implicated students. It provides for defensible and sustainable outcomes.

The Helshoogte residence management was made aware of an incident on Thursday 22 September 2022 and immediately reported it to the relevant University structures for urgent investigation. It also received immediate and top priority attention by SU executive management.

The incident involved an intoxicated student urinating on the chair of his roommate. The implicated student was suspended from the residence pending the outcome of an investigation on 22 September 2022. The SU Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Wim de Villiers, will consider further action and decide on suspension from the University after consideration of the facts of the case.

The case will be investigated by the University’s Office of Student Discipline in accordance with the latest version of the Student Disciplinary Code. 

Prof De Villiers reiterated the University’s resolve to take action in this regard. “The University considers details surrounding the investigation to be confidential but must emphasise its deep concern regarding irresponsible use of alcohol on and around its campus, notwithstanding its extensive interventions and latest revised residence rules that regulate alcohol use in residences.”

As and when appropriate, SU will communicate further on the outcomes of the investigations and processes that are underway as a matter of priority.


Prof Deresh Ramjugernath
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Learning and Teaching



26 September 2022

Dear Students and other stakeholders

It is with great sadness that our first official communication as the SRC of 2022/2023 to the larger student community, is about a disdainful incident that has infringed on the human dignity of another Stellenbosch University student. The incident involved an intoxicated student urinating on the chair of his roommate on the morning of 22 September 2022.

We have spent the past 24 hours engaging with the leadership of Helshoogte and the relevant university structures. We highly commend the leadership of the residence on their swift reaction, and we welcome the decision made by the residence head to suspend the implicated student.

This incident is a triggering reminder of what transpired 4 months ago and as the SRC we strongly condemn that this behaviour is still our reality. It is demotivating to the student community that works tirelessly in developing programs and having conversations in an attempt to transform and oppose the culture of blatant injustice in Stellenbosch University GU).

We challenge all residences to critically re-assess their residence cultures through intentional reflections and honest discussions. We duly note that it is difficult and impractical for House Committees (NC. to challenge all preconceived biases and harmful practices that students hold when they enrol into our institution. Regardless of this fact, all of us are responsible for unlearning practices, attitudes and legacies that have no place in the kind of Stellenbosch University we wish to exist in. Hereinafter, the duty to transform our institution is a duty we all share as Maties.

As the SRC we will continue to ensure that all due processes are followed without fear or favour to reach a justiciable outcome that reflects the values of the Bill. of Rights and that of our institution. At the core of our mission statement is student servitude. We have remained dedicated in ensuring that the affected student has received the emotional and academic support they need. We will continue to hold the relevant parties accountable to ensure that the outcome is just and in line with the values of the Bill. of Rights and Student Constitution.

We call on the broader student community to allow the University's office of Student Discipline to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation. We will continue to communicate further on the outcomes of the investigation and processes. As the SRC we will not tolerate any violation of our students' human dignity. We further call on management to take on a more intentional stance on transforming our institution.

Furthermore, we advise all students affected by this triggering incident to seek psychological assistance ([email protected]) to circumvent any disruptions to their academics and overall well-being.

Kind regards I Ngemibuliso emihle I Vriendelike groete

SRC 2022/2023