The DA has declared war against the people

Phatse Justice Piitso says the party's core values are the antithesis of the popular will

The Democratic Alliance has declared war against the people of our country 

During her morning prayers, the leader of the Democratic Alliance Madam Helen Zille, has a prophetic confession that the Democratic Alliance will be the next government of the republic of South Africa by 2019. The question we all ask is whether the Democratic Alliance is a genuine and legitimate representative and custodian of the true values and ideals the people of our country aspire to achieve. The absolute answer is a big NO.

The Democratic Alliance has no political and moral authority to be in the forefront of our struggles to lead the people of our country into the future. Our country cannot be led by a lobby group whose preoccupation is to protect and defend the interests of the white monopoly capital comprised of mostly few white males, who as a result of the decades of apartheid power relations, are predominantly in ownership of the commanding heights of our economy.

The Democratic Alliance is on a warpath to undermine the impact of the legacy of colonialism of a special type, of the severe socio economic conditions that has become the principal contradiction of the South African society.

The successive elections held in the recent past of our democratic dispensation have proven that the overwhelming majority of the people of our country, reject the fallacy that the principal contradictions arising out of the three and half centuries of domination by the forces of imperialism and colonialism can be resolved in within a period of 18 years.

The leadership of the party must come to terms with the realities that our people are more than ever before determined to realize their everlasting dream of building a non racial, non sexist, democratic and prosperous society. Surely the reservoir of our memories will always remind us of the Democratic Alliance as an irrelevant political formation whose core values are the antithesis of the true wishes and aspirations of our people.

The posture of the Democratic Alliance in both its content and form is that of an offspring of the chief architects of the apartheid policies, who committed horrible atrocities and violation of fundamental human rights during the era of the repressive apartheid regime.

In the eyes of the millions of the people of our country, it remains to be a mirror that reflects the apartheid structural economic arrangements that over the years were designed to serve the needs of the white community at the expense of the black people constituting the majority of the population of our country.

Our people understand the complex question that the theory of development of the nation states confirms the notion that it is the historical development not the racial characteristics that defines the path for the development of any society. The demagogic tendencies by the Democratic Alliance therefore of decorating itself with vulnerable black faces to gain political legitimacy and authenticity, proves the point that it is still far from abandoning its racial tendencies.

The structural composition of the Democratic Alliance depicts a caricature of a racially driven political formation whose its head is white and the legs are black. Most of the marches, pickets, door to door activities are attended by vulnerable black people whilst the strategic boardroom issues are the domain of the capable white baas.

The people of our country cannot be fooled by the trappings of the racial composition of the leadership echelons of the democratic alliance, but the extent to which it is committed to resolve the socio economic challenges emanating from the realities of our historical question. We expect the Democratic Alliance to take a full responsibility of the massive and pandemic challenges of poverty, disease and underdevelopment that have over the years become the principal characteristic of the South African society.

It is therefore absurd of Helen Zille and the leadership of the Democratic Alliance to blame our national liberation movement and the people of our country for the unprecedented socio economic problems facing our people as a result of the consequences of our historical past. The essence here is that the Democratic Alliance is instigating the millions of the working class of our country to declare war against our national liberation movement.

These desperate attempts and manoeuvres to blame the government led by the ANC for the economic atrocities of the past is the major source of instigation of the violent service delivery protest marches sweeping across our country. We see counter revolutionary elements damaging and burning our inadequate infrastructure such as schools, clinics and roads during these protest marches. 

We are at a turning point of a complex revolutionary situation of a transition in the current phase of our struggles of building a new society from the foundations of apartheid colonialism to a new phase of struggles against neo- colonialism. The enemy will leave no stone unturned to derail the massive investment initiatives such as amongst others, the expansion of our infrastructural on rail and roads development, national health insurance and the review of the willing seller willing buyer policies championed by our government led by the collective leadership of Cde Jacob Zuma.

Phatse Justice Piitso is a former ambassador to Cuba and a member of the ANC writing on his personal capacity. 

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