This is our target list of white journalists - BLF

Black journalists who mimick these white agents of WMC must repent or else

BLF warns white journalists

Black First Land First (BLF) respects freedom of expression and the independence of the media. However, BLF will not tolerate racism, slander, fake news and the covering up of white corruption under the guise of journalism. As a consequence of the constant attack by the white owned media, under the pretext of practising journalism, BLF has decided to target the following racist, white journalists for our protest actions against white media:

Peter Bruce
Sam Sole
Adriaan Basson
Stephen Grootes
Max du Preez
Barry Bateman
Alec Hogg

We shall update this list of white racists that masquerade as journalists, in defence of white monopoly capital. We shall deal with each of them as rogue racists, who deserve to be treated in the same manner which Bruce was treated. They are racists, not journalists, and they will be treated as such.

In as far as black journalists who mimick these white agents of white monopoly capital, such as Ferial Haffajee, Carima Brown, Eusebius McKaiser, our message to them is that they must repent, ask for forgiveness from black people for being used by white monopoly capital. They must stop their askari tendencies or face the possibility of being mistaken for white journalists. BLF believes in “peace amongst blacks, war to the enemy”, so these journalists still have a door open to them. We will not treat black people the way we treat white people. We, however, call upon them to repent and stop being useful agents of the white agenda.


Zizi Kodwa is the spokesperson of white monopoly capital

Black First Land First (BLF) notes the statement purportedly released by the African National Congress (ANC). This is a blatant lie. There is no way that the whole ANC could defend white monopoly capital, land thieves and those who want to keep mines in the hands of whites. The statement released by Zizi Kodwa comes from the faction of the ANC which represents white monopoly capital, which is instructed by its white handlers to defend the indefensible.

Peter Bruce is not a journalist, he is the media hitman of white monopoly capital. His writing distorts the truth and demonises black people. He has attacked the president of the country because President Jacob Zuma wants land expropriation without compensation. He has attacked the Mining Minister, Mosebenzi Zwane, for his progressive mining charter which gives black people rights to the mineral wealth of their land. He has attacked the new Finance Minister, Malusi Gigaba, because he is angry that their agent, Pravin Gordhan, was fired.

Bruce is not just a manufacturer of fake news but he is racist to the core. BLF does not accept the racist peddlers of anti-black sentiments as journalists. Therefore, we find it troubling that the so-called ‘spokesperson’ of the ANC would come out in defence of white racists, white monopoly capital and the manufacturers of fakes news to cover-up white corruption.

Zizi Kodwa is not the spokesperson of the ANC, he’s a spokesperson of white monopoly capital. Kodwa, Gwede Mantashe and Jackson Mthembu are all there to support the Marikana murderer, Cyril Ramaphosa, and the corrupt Pravin Gordhan, to make sure that there is no change is the lives of black people.

BLF rejects the statement because we received support from more than 10 ANC branches after our peaceful, disciplined, ethical action at Bruce’s home.

BLF shall continue with its actions, as long as racists continue to hide behind the media to perpetrate evil.

Statements issued by the National Coordinating Committee of the Black First Land First Movement (BLF NCC), 30 June 2017