Address by the Minister of Sport, Arts & Culture, Hon EN Mthethwa, at the Press Briefing on Ministerial Interventions at Cricket SA
30 October 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As you may know, following continued public criticism on how Cricket SA was conducting its affairs, particularly in the areas of leadership, governance, transformation, selection of teams, etc from various interest groups within and outside cricket, I was urged to step in and assist Cricket SA resolve their problems.
Without reinventing the past, it is common knowledge that I made several attempts in meetings with their Board and Members Council, to encourage Cricket SA to pre-empt any action on my part by demonstrating that they had the capacity, will and desire to self-correct. My efforts included an appeal to SASCOC, as the mother body of all national federations in the country, to try and assist Cricket SA to find solutions to the problems they were encountering.
Whilst all this was happening, CSA’s reputation continued to suffer, with increasing calls for the Board to step down. On my part, I felt that i should exercise all the patience I could muster. I was even criticized that I was not going to do anything to confront the deteriorating situation at cricket. However, instead of improving, the situation was getting worse and it dawned on me that no matter how long I delayed, the prospects of the sport to self-correct, were dim.