Tragic killings of protesters in Kenya strongly condemned – EFF

Use of live ammunition on unarmed citizens is utterly unacceptable and a blatant violation of human rights

EFF statement on the tragic killings of protesters in Kenya

26 June 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) strongly condemns the brutal actions of the Kenyan police, under the orders of President William Ruto that have resulted in the tragic deaths of five individuals protesting the Finance Bill 2024. The use of live ammunition on unarmed citizens is utterly unacceptable and a blatant violation of human rights.

On Tuesday afternoon, protestors marched on Kenya's parliament and police officers escalated tensions by firing live rounds into crowds, leading to the deaths of five people and injuring more than 30 others. Instead of deescalating the conflict, the Kenyan govemment chose to exacerbate it by deploying police, and have also chosen to deploy the army under the guise of addressing a "security emergency."

President Ruto's subsequent statements, labelling some protesters as "criminals" and threatening to counter the "violence and anarchy," demonstrate a profound disregard for the legitimate grievances of the Kenyan people. This oppressive response highlights the President's willingness to resort to deadly force to push through his Finance Bill, which clearly serves the interests of Western powers at the expense of his own citizens.

This Finance Bill 2024, which aims to extort over $2.7 billion in taxes from an already overtaxed and struggling Kenyan populace, is a direct consequence of the Intemational Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank's recommendations. These predatory organisations entangle developing countries in oppressive loans and enforce austerity measures that stunt economic growth and development, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and dependency.

The EFF reiterates that the use of live rounds is unacceptable, and it is well known that police have never been able to deescalate anything. If anything, their presence always escalates things, and clearly, President Ruto is willing to kill just to put his bill through. Additionally, deploying the military against your own people is simply unethical. The role of the military is to protect the nation, not to confront unarmed protesters with legitimate grievances.

The EFF once again calls upon President Ruto to immediately cease the violent suppression of protesters, withdraw the military and police from the streets, and engage in meaningful dialogue with the citizens of Kenya. The voices of the people must be heard and respected, not silenced through bloodshed and intimidation. It is imperative that those responsible for these heinous acts are held accountable and that all detained protesters are released without delay.

The EFF stands in solidarity with the people of Kenya in their struggle against oppressive governance and economic exploitation. We will continue to advocate for justice, peace, and the fundamental rights of all African people.


EFF statement on the protest in Kenya

24 June 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes with great concem the recent events in Kenya surrounding the proposed 2024 Finance Bill. We stand in solidarity with the people of Kenya who are bravely protesting against this exploitative legislation that seeks to impose severe tax.

The Bill, which aims to raise $2.7 billion in additional taxes, will undoubtedly raise the cost of living and production, further burdening the people of Kenya, who like us, are already living under dire economic conditions.

The 2024 Finance Bill is the result of a recommendation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank to the Kenyan Government. This is therefore, part of a broader problem faced by many developing nations under the yoke of the IMF and World Bank loans.

The IMF and World Bank have a notorious history of undermining the sovereignty of developing countries through their oppressive loan conditions, and treating African economies like lab rats for neoliberal templates.

These Bretton Woods institutions serve as instruments of re-colonisation and infantilisation of the African continent, using Africa as a pawn in geopolitical wars going on, and imposing austerity measures that cripple growth and development, leading to widespread poverty and social unrest to justify the establishment of US military bases in the continent.

When the EFF marched to the Parliament of South Africa on the 23rd of February 2022, we highlighted the damaging effects of South Africa's R 11.4 Billion loan from the IMF, which came with restrictive conditions that impose adverse economic and political policies on our country.

The EFF stands firmly for economic freedom and the establishment of robust social welfare safety nets. The protests in Kenya are a clear indication that the people are rejecting policies that exacerbate their suffering and demand a govemment that serves their well-being.

We further note our concern on the violent crackdown on peaceful protesters, which has resulted in at least 200 injuries and over 100 arrests. The use of tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets against citizens exercising their right to protest is unacceptable. We urge the Kenyan Government to stand down the police and respect the people's right to peaceful assembly. All those who have been arrested should be released immediately.

The EFF will continue to support the fight for economic justice. We commend the bravery of the Kenyan protesters and stand with them in their peaceful protest against the recommendation of the World Bank and IMF to the Kenyan Government to impose exploitative legislation that seeks to impose crippling tax.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 26 June 2024