On Tuesday prominent University of Cape Town Fallist activist Mlandu Masixole announced on social media the completion of his Honours Independent Research Project in the Department of Politics. The paper, written under the supervision of Dr Lwazi Lushaba, was titled “The Colonizer/Colonized dialectic: A look into Settler-Colonialism as a socio-symbolic order of South Africa.” One of the purposes of the paper, Masixole writes in the abstract, was to argue that “South Africa is a settler colonial society, built and maintained through conquest.”
In a message on Twitter Masixole published screenshots of the title page, abstract, table of contents and acknowledgments section of his thesis. In the latter Masixole thanks his mother and cousin, noting “One day the misery we feel under the settler palm shall be return upon them." He then thanks his supervisor, the department and other friends and associates. He concludes with the following message:
“Lastly, let me thank the Pan Africanist student movement in occupied Azania. Your fight for the total emancipation of Black people will never be forgotten. Izwe Lethu, I Africa!