UKZN community calls for restoration of academic freedom

Open leter from staff, former staff, students, alumni and research collaborators, December 8 2008

Call from UKZN Staff: Restore Academic Freedom at the University of KwaZulu-Natal

A letter to the press from 228 Staff, Former Staff, Students, Alumni and Research Collaborators, Durban, December 8, 2008

Yesterday, Sunday December 7 2008, the Vice Chancellor of UKZN was quoted in the press as saying: "one needs to gauge why a group of 10 or 20 academics are the only ones writing letters to newspapers and on an Internet forum."

We, the undersigned, are all closely associated with the University of KwaZulu-Natal, as academic, administrative and support staff, as students, and as research and teaching collaborators. We write to inform you of a crisis in governance that threatens the viability of UKZN as a fully-functional University. We do so reluctantly, after long efforts to resolve the situation through internal processes of negotiation.

A University has several roles, including teaching and research, but the most important of these is the responsibility to think deeply and critically about society and to challenge ideas, systems, technologies and paradigms and so drive positive social change. It is this function that is currently under threat.

Open and free debate is the democratic right of all South Africans, and Universities can only drive social change while they encourage debate and the free circulation of ideas. Those who have been appointed to executive positions at UKZN are pursuing a system of governance that has narrowed down the spaces of freedom and damaged our intellectual community. Unless academic freedom is restored, UKZN may remain an excellent teaching institution, and may continue to produce excellent research, but it cannot continue to be a University in the sense of being a critical and independent driver of change.

Recently, two highly respected professors who had been mandated by their colleagues to table a submission on academic freedom that urged respect for critical discussion and debate at our University Senate were prevented from doing so and subsequently charged with dishonesty, negligence, breaking senate confidentiality and not taking enough care in talking to the media. Subsequent efforts by concerned colleagues to hold faculty meetings in order to discuss this failed after 'advice' from the university lawyer led faculty Deans to cancel the meetings. Academics were therefore prevented from discussing what they sincerely believe to constitute a grave crisis of academic freedom and governance. Isolated by managerial interference, confronted by teams of lawyers hired by the university managers using public funds, one of the professors retained his post by signing a partial admission of guilt, and the other resigned.

This is just the most recent manifestation of the intimidation of academics by those who manage the University. It has caused demoralisation, unhappiness, and the resignation of many of the most productive and respected staff at the University. In our opinion the University's reputation is being endangered by managers who are intolerant of criticism and open debate, and not by academics who are trying to engage them in discussion. After many attempts to find negotiated solutions, we have decided to bring the problems out into the open for discussion in order to find a remedy.

During Apartheid, many students and staff at our universities sought to safe-guard academic freedom and freedom of speech from interference by a racist and intolerant state. To serve as valuable public assets today, universities must be centres of social and scientific research intent on fearlessly addressing the problems of our society, and of cultural activities that reach out and encompass the lives of the wider public. Without that freedom the University will cease to deserve its name.

We invite you, as members of the public and the source of the taxes which support the University, to participate in the effort to safe-guard our university as a centre of excellence. We ask that you call on officials in oversight positions such as the Minister of Education, the Provincial MEC, or other political representatives to intervene, insisting that critical and open debate, including the right to criticize management on campus and publicly, must be respected at our universities. Without this intervention the ability of the University of KwaZulu-Natal to fulfil its mandate from the government and people of South Africa will be severely undermined.

The undersigned have requested that their names be appended to this letter.

First Name Surname Rank or Position Division, Institution
1 Jamila Aboobaker Professor, Head of Department, Dermatology Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, UKZN
2 Magda Altman Former Lecturer English Education and Linguistics, UKZN
3 Max J Andrucki Research Postgraduate and Former Visiting Scholar, CCS Geography, University of Leeds
4 Jill Arnott Senior Lecturer English Studies, UKZN
5 Derek Attridge Professor and Fellow of the British Academy English and Related Literature, University of York
6 Ittamar Avin Senior Lecturer & Assistant Dean, Retired English, UKZN
7 Gary Fred Baines Associate Professor History, Rhodes
8 Anthony Oswald Balcomb Professor Religion and Theology, UKZN
9 Christopher Ballantine Professor Emeritus, University Fellow Musicology, UKZN
10 Richard Ballard Senior Lecturer, PhD Development Studies, UKZN
11 Carol Bertam Lecturer Education and Development, UKZN
12 EL Billiet Admin Asst UKZN
13 Catherine Birkett Counselling Psychologist, Alumnus UKZN
14 Rebecca Boden Professor University of Wales Institute
15 Patrick Bond Senior Professor Development Studies, UKZN
16 Jill Bradbury Associate Professor Psychology, UKZN
17 John Bradley Assistant Professor Mathematics, Universidad de Los Andes
18 Jürgen Bräuninger Associate Professor Music, UKZN
19 Keith Breckenridge Associate Professor History, UKZN
20 Serena Brink Alumnus UKZN
21 Shirley Brooks Senior Lecturer, PhD Geography, UKZN
22 Barbara Brouckaert Research Fellow, PhD Chemical Engineering, UKZN
23 David Fraser Brown Former staff Sociology, UKZN
24 Catherine Eileen Burns Associate Professor History, UKZN
25 Douglas Stuart Butterworth Professor Mathematics, UCT
26 Daniela Casale Senior Research Fellow, PhD Development Studies, UKZN
27 Sarah Charlton Senior Lecturer Architecture and Planning, Wits
28 Jean Cleymans Professor Theoretical Physics, UCT
29 Dale Cockrell Professor Musicology, Vanderbilt University
30 Dale Collier Professor Philosophy and Ethics, UKZN
31 David Cooper Associate Professor, Head of Department Maths, UCT
32 Ed Couzens Senior Lecturer Law, UKZN
33 Claire Craighead Contract Lecturer Drama and Performance Studies, UKZN
34 Evelyn Cresswell Widow of Professor Christopher Cresswell, Former Principal Howard College UKZN
35 Jim Crowther Senior Lecturer Edinburgh University
36 M J Daymond Professor Emeritus English, UKZN
37 Philippe Denis Professor History of Christianity Programme, UKZN
38 Mark Clifford Dent Senior Lecturer, PhD CEAD, UKZN
39 Richard Devey Lecturer Development Studies, UKZN
40 Marijke du Toit Senior Lecturer, PhD History, UKZN
41 Andrew Duminy Professor (retired), Former Dean Humanities, UKZN
42 WN Ellery Associate Professor Environmental Science, Rhodes University
43 Veit Erlmann Professor Music, University of Texas, Austin
44 Leigh Esterhuizen Masters Student English, UKZN
45 Monica Fairall Alumnus UKZN
46 Paul Faure Assistant Professor Psychology, Neuroscience and Behavior, McMaster University
47 Irina Filatova Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Fellow History, UKZN
48 Tony Fluxman Senior Lecturer, PhD Political and International Studies, Rhodes University
49 Katherine Foxon Lecturer Chemical Engineering, UKZN
50 Lucía Fragoso Coordinadora del Area de Presupuestos Públicos Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia AC
51 William Freund Senior Professor, University Fellow Economic History, UKZN
52 David Fryer Lecturer Rhodes University
53 Annie Gagiano Professor Emeritus English, Stellenbosch University
54 Patti Gialerakis Former Lecturer Speech and Drama, UKZN
55 J.Patrick Giddy Senior Lecturer, PhD Philosophy and Ethics, UKZN
56 Clive Glaser Associate Professor History, WITS
57 Daryl Glaser Associate Professor Politics, Wits
58 Leslie Goddard Manager, Finance and Administration UKZN Press
59 Mandy Goedhals Professor, Head of School Humanities, UKZN
60 Cullen Goldblatt Project Director Beth Israel Hospital, New York
61 Neil Gonsalves Lecturer Music, UKZN
62 Linda Gordon Florence Kelley Professor of History New York University
63 G Govender Dean Management Sciences, Mangosutho University of Technology
64 Thiru Govender Associate Professor Pharmacology and Pharmacy, UKZN
65 Maryann Green Honorary Senior Research Fellow, PhD UKZN
66 Kathryn Gregersen Alumnus, Lecturer Varsity College
67 Sharon Grussendorf Physics Education Consultant and Former Lecturer Physics, UKZN
68 M R Haffajee Professor Clinical Anatomy, UKZN
69 Michelle Hamer Associate Professor Biology, UKZN
70 Anne Harley Lecturer Centre for Adult Education, UKZN
71 Geoff Harris Professor Economics, UKZN
72 Keith Hart Honorary Research Professor Development Studies, UKZN
73 Mike Hart Former Lecturer Education, UKZN
74 Graham Hayes Senior Lecturer Psychology, UKZN
75 Fiona Higginson Faculty Officer Engineering, UKZN
76 Paul Hobden Associate Professor School of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, UKZN
77 Alexander B Ianovsky Associate Professor Mathematics, University of Cape Town
78 Douglas Irvine Professor Emeritus, Former Dean Political Studies, UKZN
79 Heather Jacklin Senior Lecturer, PhD Education, UCT
80 Fiona Jackson Lecturer Applied Language Studies, UKZN
81 Vashna Jagarnath PhD Student and graduate History, UKZN
82 Deborah James Professor Anthropology, LSE
83 Sipho January Project Coordinator School of Journalism, Rhodes University
84 Mohammed F Jeebhay Associate Professor UCT
85 Vaughn John Senior Lecturer Centre for Adult Education, UKZN
86 Jacqueline Keevy Graduate Assistant UKZN
87 Deborah Kelley Economic Analyst European Economics Research
88 Ruth Kelly Alumnus UKZN
89 Sonya Keyser Project Manager, New Readers Publishers Centre for Adult Education, UKZN
90 Sandra Land Lecturer School of Adult and Higher Education, UKZN
91 Lara Catherine Landers Former Lecturer Information Systems and Technology, UKZN
92 Andrew Lawrence Lecturer Edinburgh University
93 Lelika Lazarus Lecturer Clinical Anatomy, UKZN
94 Athol Leach Lecturer Information Studies, UKZN
95 Anthony Leiman Associate Professor Economics, UCT
96 Patrick Lenta Senior Lecturer Philosophy and Ethics, UKZN
97 Rosemary Lombard Alumnus Project Manager Design Indaba
98 Delayne Loppert Co-Founder, OSCA Music School, UKZN
99 Max Loppert Honourary Research Fellow, Co-Founder OSCA Music School, UKZN
100 Frances Lund Associate Professor Development Studies, UKZN
101 Robin Mackie Senior Lecturer Education, UKZN
102 Thenjiwe Magwaza Professor Gender Studies, UKZN
103 Anwar Suleman Mall Head: Surgical Laboratory Groote Schuur Hospital
104 Monique Marks Associate Professor Sociology, UKZN
105 Sabine Marschall Associate Professor Cultural and Heritage Tourism, UKZN
106 Alan Mathews Senior Lecturer, PhD Physics, UKZN
107 Susan Mathieson Former Qualifty Consultant College of Humanities, UKZN
108 Robert Mattes Professor Political Studies, UCT
109 Joyce Namisile Mchunu Chief Education Specialist Department of Education
110 Sioux McKenna Acting Head of School, PhD Adult and Higher Education, UKZN
111 Dale T McKinley Independent Researcher and Writer
112 Shereen Mills Senior Researcher Applied Legal Studies, Wits
113 Deepak Mistrey Lecturer Philosophy and Ethics, UKZN
114 Zoe Molver Academic Coordinator Media and Cultural Studies, UKZN
115 Selvan Moopanar Lecturer, PhD Mathematics, UKZN
116 Penny Morrell Alumnus UKZN
117 Robert Morrell Senior Professor Education, UKZN
118 Dave Muir Lecturer, PhD Biology, UKZN
119 Michael Mulholland Professor Chemical Engineering, UKZN
120 Beverley Muller Senior Lecturer IsiZulu, UKZN
121 Colette Muller Lecturer Economics Finance, UKZN
122 Graham Muller Economist Graham Muller Associates
123 Sally-Ann Murray Associate Professor English, UKZN
124 Sarah Murray Senior Lecturer Education, Rhodes
125 Nithi Muthukrishna Full Professor Education and Development, UKZN
126 Lubna Nadvi Lecturer Politics, UKZN
127 Krishna Naidoo Senior Specialist Neurosurgeon, Grand Round Coordinator Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital
128 P Naidoo Lecturer Pharmacology and Pharmacy, UKZN
129 Sonja Narunsky-Laden Senior Lecturer, PhD Communication, University of Johannesburg
130 Nicoli Nattrass Alumnus, Professor Economics, UCT
131 Siu-Ah Ng Associate Professor Mathematics, UKZN
132 Nancy Odendaal Senior Lecturer School of Architecture, Planning and Housing, UKZN
133 Elizabeth Oehrle Senior Research Associate Music, UKZN
134 Gareth Olivier Chief Technician African Centre of Crop Improvement
135 Vivien Carol O'Neill Lecturer School of Psychology, UKZN
136 Marion Pape Lecturer, PhD Language, Literature & Linguistics, UKZN
137 Julie Parle Associate Professor History, UKZN
138 Chirag Patel Tutor & Coordinator Writing Place, UKZN
139 Rob Pattman Associate Professor Sociology, UKZN
140 Moraig Peden Senior Lecturer Education and Development, UKZN
141 Robin Phipson Alumnus Mechanical Engineering, UKZN
142 Ravi Pillay Alumnus UKZN
143 Kanthan Pillay Former Associate Professor and CFO UKZN
144 Lawrence Piper Associate Professor Politics, UKZN
145 Richard Pithouse Alumnus and Former Staff UKZN
146 Eva Plaganyi-Lloyd dean Maths and Applied Maths, UCT
147 Helen Poonen Senior Administrator Centre for Civil Society, UKZN
148 Dori Posel Research Professor Development Studies, UKZN
149 Marcus Power Reader Geography, Durham University
150 Leonhard Praeg Senior Lecturer Political and International Studies, Rhodes University
151 Jeanne Prinsloo Associate Professor Media Studies, Rhodes University
152 Michael Quayle Lecturer Psychology, UKZN
153 David Raftery Asst Head of Department: Mathematics Oundle School, UK
154 James Raftery Professor Mathematics, UKZN
155 Margaret Anne Gordon Raftery Alumnus UKZN
156 Susan Rakoczy Honorary Professor Religion and Theology, UKZN
157 Liz Ralfe Education, UKZN
158 Gail Randelhoff Financial Administrator School of Psychology, UKZN
159 Tanusha Raniga Lecturer, PhD Social Work and Community Development, UKZN
160 Jonathan Paul Stuart Rash Associate Professor Physics, UKZN
161 Glen Robbins Research Fellow Development Studies, UKZN
162 Andrew Roberts Alumnus Managing Director Fitward Farming (Pvt.) Ltd.
163 Angus Rose Former Staff UKZN
164 Bridget Rose Former Staff UKZN
165 Shaun Ruggunan Lecturer Industrial, Organisational and Labour Studies, UKZN
166 Adrian J Ryan Lecturer Classics, UKZN
167 Britt Sable Contract Lecturer, intermittent UKZN
168 Lucia Saks Former Senior Lecturer and Director, PhD Media and Communication, UKZN
169 Corinne Sandwith Lecturer English Studies, UKZN
170 Kapil S Satyapal Senior Professor, University Fellow Clinical Anatomy, UKZN
171 Antoine J Scholtz Part-time Lecturer Music, UKZN
172 Hilson Deneys Schreiner PrEng, PhD, MSAICE Geotechnical Engineering Consultant
173 Luigi Scribani Senior Lecturer, PhD Mathematics, UKZN
174 Pamela Scully Associate Professor, Director of Institute for African Studies Women's Studies, Emory University
175 Lucy Sessions Student UKZN
176 Vishanthie Sewpaul Senior Professor Social Work and Community Development, UKZN
177 Nafisa Essop Sheik Alumnus PhD Candidate University of Michigan
178 Judith Shier Website Editor and Information Professional UKZN
179 Mathew Shum Senior Lecturer, PhD English, UKZN
180 Caroline Skinner Research Fellow Development Studies, UKZN
181 Mary Smith Administrative Officer Development Studies, UKZN
182 Frank Sokolic Former Staff GIS Solutions
183 Kelwyn Sole Professor English Language and Literature, UCT
184 T E Sommerville Associate Professor Medical Education, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine
185 Stephen Sparks Alumnus PhD Candidate University of Michigan
186 Mary Rose Stephenson UKZN Alumnus Director, Wordsmiths
187 Lindy Stiebel Professor English, UKZN
188 Melissa Stobie Senior Lecturer Philosophy and Ethics, UKZN
189 Raymond Suttner Professor and Head Walter and Albertina Sisulu Knowledge and Heritage Unit, University of Pretoria
190 Johan Swart Professor Emeritus Mathematics, UKZN
191 Sandra Swart Associate Professor History, Stellenbosch University
192 Lauren Tavener-Smith Junior Lecturer Economics, UKZN
193 Ron Tavener-Smith Professor Emeritus Geology, UKZN
194 P M W Tennant Associate Professor, Acting Deputy Head of School Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts, UKZN
195 Kyle Tomlinson Alumnus, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher, Wageningen University
196 Giuditta Toniolo Lecturer Media and Cultural Studies, UKZN
197 Noleen Turner Associate Professor IsiZulu Studies, UKZN
198 Nicole Ulrich PhD Fellow WISER, Wits
199 Imraan Valodia Associate Professor Development Studies, UKZN
200 Catherine van de Ruit Affiliated Researcher Development Studies, UKZN
201 Ingrid van den Berg
202 Anton van der Hoven Associate Professor Media and Cultural Studies, UKZN
203 Lucien van der Walt Senior Lecturer Sociology, Wits
204 Paul van Uytrecht Professor Management Studies, UKZN
205 Christopher J von Klemperer Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering, UCT
206 Thembisa Waetjen Senior Lecturer, PhD History, UKZN
207 Cherryl Walker Professor and Chair Sociology, Stellenbosch University
208 Jenny Willis Alumnus General Practitioner, NHS, UK
209 Martin Wittenberg Associate Professor Economics, UCT
210 Olga Yurkivska Lecturer Philosophy and Ethics, UKZN
211 Jochen Zeller Associate Professor, Head of Discipline Linguistics, UKZN

Additional signatories are listed here
