ANC condemns US ambassador’s attitude towards SA

Brigety’s chosen cause of action is an unprecedented breach of diplomatic protocol, says party

The following statement was posted by the ANC on Twitter and then subsequently removed:

ANC condemns US ambassador’s attitude towards South Africa

12 May 2023

The African National Congress (ANC) is disappointed by the reckless and regrettable public utterances attributed to United States of America's Ambassador to South Africa, Ambassador Reuben Brigety against the Republic of South Africa. His chosen cause of action is an unprecedented breach of diplomatic protocol by an Ambassador against a host country.

The ANC sees his statements and public posture as disappointing and counter productive. We are concerned that this unfortunate attitude by Ambassador Brigety may undermine ongoing constructive engagements between the two countries and the work done by the South African envoy to the US led by the National Security Special Advisor to the President, Dr Sydney Mufamadi.

The ANC calls on the US Ambassador to abide by principles that govern the diplomatic corps.

The ANC reiterates that South Africa is a sovereign and independent state. With regard to the US-Ukraine conflict. South Africa's position of non-alignment remains sacrosanct. Consistent with its long-standing offer, the ANC government stands ready to play its mediatory role.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson, ANC, 12 May 2023