Yet another botched Gauteng Cabinet announcement – ActionSA

Party says self-interested horse trading has all but paralysed the critical work of provincial govt

Yet another botched Gauteng Cabinet announcement as the ANC and DA tussle for MEC positions

1 July 2024

ActionSA expresses outrage at yet another botched announcement of the Gauteng Provincial Cabinet, which appears to be a troubling continuation of self-interested horse trading that has all but paralysed the critical work of the provincial government.

While the ANC and DA tussle for positions, residents have once again been abandoned by both the DA's, Solly Msimanga, and the ANC's, Panyaza Lesufi, who evidently appear more interested in jockeying for positions than in addressing the urgent service delivery challenges that continue to cripple Gauteng and leave residents on the backfoot.

Furthermore, ActionSA maintains that Panyaza Lesufi's return as Gauteng Premier, made possible by the DA, does not represent the will of residents, as the 2024 Provincial Election Results were a striking rebuke of a Premier whose first term was marked by failure, a series of failed gimmicks, and empty promises, prompting voters to vote to remove him from office.

ActionSA is committed to making every possible effort to put Gauteng back on track toward rebuilding our province and making it more prosperous for all residents, an effort that simply cannot be achieved while the ANC and their rogue Premier are at the helm.

Issued by Funzi Ngobeni, Gauteng Provincial Caucus Leader, ActionSA, 1 July 2024