Yet another technical glitch leaves SASSA beneficiary empty handed – EFF KZN

Agency must compensate people for inconvenience caused today as some had to borrow money to get to pay points

EFF KZN statement on unpaid SASSA grants

5 September 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters in KwaZulu-NataI notes with concern the news of some SASSA social grants beneficiaries who had to return home empty handed today due to monies not reflecting in their accounts It is quite alarming that technical glitches have become a common occurrence over the past few months.

Amidst the high unemployment rate in this country, it is a well known fact that the agency is at the centre of corruption and maladministration, and it is very painful to see our people being sent from pillar to post instead of being paid what is due to them.

We call upon SASSA to pay all the recipients what is due to them with immediate effect, and also compensate them for the inconvenience that was caused today as some had even borrowed monies in order to get to pay points.

As the EFF, we will continue to monitor the situation closely on a monthly basis and we will not hesitate to take necessary action in the event where we suspect some foul play.

As the country gears up for the 2024 general elections, we hope that in the midst of unemployment, high repo rates, high food prices, loadshedding and glitches in the social relief system, while queuing in those voting lines, our people will remember all of this and make conscious decisions.

Issued by Mongezi Twala, Provincial Chairperson, 6 September 2023