The challenges of creating a participative democracy in Zimbabwe: The country's citizens are much too patient and too tolerant perhaps making them easy prey to be subjugated by any government or political party
It was only last week while attending a debate by politicians in Harare that I realized that Zimbabwe may be a long way from having a participative democracy. What struck me was the speakers' haughtiness and God complex in articulating what they think should happen in Zimbabwe. This of course is hardly surprising given that since independence in 1980, our politics have been prescriptive in nature and our politicians have gotten used to being treated like little gods.
Democracy in Zimbabwe has been to date characterized by the exercise of the popular vote after which we have handed on a platter, all the responsibilities of running the country to the majority party. What worries me is that in protest to ZANU(PF) we may blindly recreate the same system while expecting different results ( the last time I looked, this is defined as insanity).
In my opinion, any political party that has the majority vote will behave in a similar fashion regardless of climate or geographical location. Absolute power leads to arrogance, non-accountability and the belief by those that wield power of their invincibility.
As Zimbabweans we need to be circumspect and learn from history. Zimbabweans have really never been activists. Our history is significantly different from that of South Africa for example where, the country's liberation was delivered through the uprisings of local communities who made the country ungovernable and who to this day, continue to use the right to protest as a means to register their dismay with delivery by the government. South Africa is therefore more positioned to create a participative and vibrant democracy because of the nature of the black South African compared to Zimbabwe.
In Zimbabwe the contrary is true I think. Zimbabweans are much too patient and too tolerant perhaps making them easy prey to be subjugated by any government or political party that has a majority vote. You only have too witness how our politicians condut themselves in public.