"Atchar hell!" - Daily Sun

"It was a terrible toilet nightmare of ... " - front page lead, January 23 2015

Daily Sun (January 23 2015) - IT WAS the middle of the night and atchar seller Mzomusha was sleeping soundly - but his kasi customers were running up and down.

Toilet doors were slamming open and shut throughout the night . . .


That was on Monday night - but on Tuesday morning Mzomusha Nkosi (53) learnt about their suffering soon enough when angry clients stormed into his house!

Mzomusha from Braam-fischer ext 4 in Soweto, Gauteng, said he narrowly escaped injury when he tried to explain to the customer what was in the atchar.

"All the customers were fuming, saying the atchar had made them kak all night. They suspected I had put poison in it," he said. "Some were screaming and in pain, others wanted to beat me up as they were late for work after running to the toilet the whole night."

Mzomusha explained that he bought the ingredients from the same shop where he always bought them in Lenasia.

"Everything looked fine when I was mixing my ingredients," he said. But later, Mzomusha thought there may have been a problem with the oil.

"I usually buy a certain brand of oil but that day the shop gave me different oil," he said.

He rushed back to the shop but they couldn't explain what had happened. "They just took the bottle and gave me the brand I usually buy," he said.

Mzomusha told Daily Sun he's been selling atchar for years to support his family of five. "I would never jeopardise the relationship I have with my customers by making them shit the whole night. What for?" he said.

Customer Sibongile Sithole (41) said: "I've never a runny stomach worse than that. It felt like I was dying when I was on the toilet. But I don't believe he poisoned the atchar because I've been his customer since 2010."

Daily Sun couldn't get hold of the shop owner where Mzomusha bought the oil. Their phones rang unanswered.

Mzomusha told Daily Sun that he gave money to some of his customers who were in serious pain so that they could go buy medication to ease their suffering.

See the Daily Sun's new website for more on this and other stories....


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