Derek Hanekom to join finance committee, Gordhan not confirmed yet

Former finance minister says his redeployment was still "in the process"

Cape Town – Former tourism minister Derek Hanekom has been redeployed to new committees in Parliament, but his colleague Pravin Gordhan's next role has yet to be finalised.

The pair made their debuts as ANC backbenchers in the National Assembly on Wednesday, as new Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba faced questions in the House.

They left proceedings after 40 minutes and only Hanekom returned an hour-and-a-half later.

Gordhan and Hanekom are the last of the reshuffled Cabinet ministers left in Parliament, following the resignation of four of their former colleagues. They are Mcebisi Jonas, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, Dipuo Peters, and Ngoako Ramatlhodi.

Hanekom would serve on the finance portfolio committee and act as an alternative on the appropriations committee.

He told News24 on Thursday he was "perfectly fine" with the decision to place him there, and believed the finance committee would take up most of his time.

Gordhan told News24 in Parliament's corridors that his redeployment was "in the process", before entering the National Assembly for Thursday's question session.

He previously said he would serve wherever the ANC sent him.
