Should sacrifice entitle people to power?
We still elect leaders based in their popularity or conspicuous consumption and not on their values.
"I suffered for Zimbabwe and therefore I am entitled to political power"; this has been the mantra that we have been hearing since the armed struggle and look at where it has led us. There is the belief that, because we have personally sacrificed for something, we are therefore entitled to positions of authority and political power regardless of our competency. For me, that is the reason why today, Africa is suffering from poor and incompetent political leadership.
Our case in Zimbabwe clearly demonstrates this, and we are even at a stage where individuals are refusing to let go, simply because they feel that they were appointed by God to cause the suffering that we have gone through. That is not acceptable.
In my opinion, as long as we think that sacrifice entitles us to leadership positions, we will continue to get people who may have the courage the confront situations and challenge the status quo, but are hardly competent leaders.
I have heard some really silly stories of why people think they are entitled to be elected. "I did this and that project so you must elect me" so said one lady I know. Others think that by giving out gifts and food at rallies, they are therefore qualified to lead.