Hermann Gilliomee: An autobiography

In new book historian weaves together the story of his own life with that of his country




Uitgewer/Publisher: Tafelberg Publikasiedatum/Publication Date: 28 November 2016

Prys/Price: *R380.00

Bladsye/Pages: 264

Formaat/Format: 235 mm x 152 mm

Bindstyl/Binding: Sagteband/Paperback

Illustrasies/Illustrations: Ja/Yes

Kategorie/Category: Biografie/Biography

ISBN-13 : 9780624066835/9780624066804

* Prys onderhewig aan verandering / Prices are subject to change


Hermann Giliomee weaves together the story of his own life with that of his country, a country that continues to absorb and inspire him, not  least because its contested history is central to its current politics.

An internationally respected historian, Giliomee has devoted a life time to exploring the origins and perpetuation of the deep divisions in South African society. His work, original and fearless, appeals not only to scholars but also to general readers interested in the complexities of South Africa’s past and present. His outspokenness has hit on nerves across the political spectrum, and he has been branded a “snake in our midst”, an “oorbeligte”, a “language bull” and the “boer in the woodpile”.

Although Giliomee grew up in the heart of the Afrikaner nationalist movement, he soon began to forge his own way by examining the rise and entrenchment of exclusive Afrikaner power. In the 1980s and 1990s, in particular, he sharply criticised the NP government’s autocracy and unwillingness to negotiate. As an “outside insider”, his understanding of Afrikaner power is informed and nuanced. He is the author of numerous bestsellers, including the magisterial work The Afrikaners: Biography of a People – which was selected by The Economist as one of its books of the year in 2003.

“Giliomee is level-headed, independent minded and wholly unafraid to take on even the most difficult questions.” – RW Johnson

“The Afrikaners… includes an account of the origins and demise of apartheid that must rank as the most sober, objective and comprehensive we have.” JM Coetzee

“Even if one does not accept all his positions, they compel one to engage [with them] seriously.” - Neville Alexander

“Giliomee’s The Last Afrikaner Leaders … is utterly mesmerizing.” Tony Leon

Hermann Giliomee verweef die verhaal van sy lewensverloop met dié van ’n land wat hom boei en besiel, ’n land waar die geskiedskrywing sentraal staan tot die hedendaagse politiek.

As internasionaal gerekende historikus ondersoek Giliomee lewenslank die ontstaan en handhawing van die skerp verdeeldheid in die Suid- Afrikaanse samelewing. Sy werk is vars en vreesloos, en vind aanklank by kenners én gewone Afrikaanse lesers wat oor hulself en hul verlede begin herbesin. Sy uitgesprokenheid haal hom dikwels gramskap op die hals – uit wyd uiteenlopende oorde. Hy is al gebrandmerk as “ ’n slang in ons midde”, ’n “oorbeligte”, ’n “taalbul” en die “boer in the woodpile”.

Hoewel Giliomee as kind van die Afrikaner-volksbeweging in die 1950’s grootword, wyk hy af van die nasionalistiese tradisie in sy kritiese ondersoek na die opkoms, hoogty en ondergang van eksklusiewe Afrikanermag. Hy lewer veral in die 1980’s en 1990’s skerp kritiek op die regering se alleenheerskappy en sy onwilligheid om vanuit ’n posisie van mag te begin onderhandel. Met binnekring-kennis is sy verstaan van Afrikanermag ingelig en genuanseerd, iets wat saam met sy onderhoudende vertelwyse lei tot talle topverkopers, waaronder die magistrale The Afrikaners, wat in 2003 deur The Economist uitgesonder is as een van sy boeke van die jaar.

“Hermann Giliomee het baie gedoen om by Suid-Afrikaners – en in die besonder by die Afrikaanssprekende gemeenskap – ’n kritiese ingesteldheid te kweek.” - SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns by die toekenning van die eerste Jan H Marais-prys aan Hermann Giliomee in 2016

“Giliomee’s interpretive framework is powerful and original.” - Richard Elphick, emeritus-professor in geskiedenis, Wesleyan-universiteit