Will Mugabe deliver ?
The silly season of free cell phone vouchers, gallons of scarce cooking oil and free goats is over. Promises were made and now they must be kept.
Although it took very little to convince those in Mazarabani to vote for ZANU (PF) and act illiterate, some of us in the urban areas are now waiting with much expectation after our disappointment and utter shock. His Excellency President Robert Gabriel Mugabe must now deliver to us to soothe the pain. That is the least he can now do.
We have all mourned and I think now is the time for us to accept those things that we cannot change and rather focus on those that we can. We can indeed change how we feel about the future and how we must engage the coming government. We can shape the future; yes we can! We must make the best of the worst. We must now choose to stand up and be counted as we shape our country in the next five years with ZANU(PF) in charge, whether we like it or not.
It is now evident that, the challenges we are facing can never be captured in a popular political manifesto nor can they be fathomed by a politburo of yester year. Despite our downheartedness, we dare not revert to our past behaviours as passive participants in our own country of birth. The quality of leadership we get will define who we become, but more important will the quality of followers we become.
In listening to the President's inauguration speech, I am convinced that he is aware what has to happen, but I wonder whether he has available to him, the resources required and the character of men and women who must assist him. Time will tell. It cannot be business as usual.