DA's actions disheartening - Renaldo Gouws

Axed member says FLC's findings and Fedex's actions failed to take into account context, and his record

Statement by Renaldo Gouws Regarding the Termination of DA Membership 13 September 2024

I have been informed today that the Democratic Alliance (DA) has decided to terminate my membership and, as a result, I will no longer hold my seat in Parliament under the Democratic Alliance. This decision, taken by the party’s Federal Executive (FedEx), follows a Federal Legal Commission (FLC) investigation into allegations brought against me based on an article that has recently been found to be in breach of the press code on various counts.

While I respect the processes within the party, I strongly disagree with both the findings of the FLC and the actions taken by FedEx. Throughout my career as a public representative, I have always represented my ward, constituency, province and country to the best of my ability. I have consistently worked to represent the best interests of all South Africans, regardless of race, culture or creed.

It is disheartening to see a decision like this, especially one that I believe fails to reflect the full context of my actions and my dedication to my role as a public representative. It's also disheartening that something I said 15 years ago, and completely taken out of context, is held against me as if it was said over the last year. For the past 16 years, I have been an outspoken voice for accountability in government, a stance that has sometimes made me a target.

The DA’s decision today seems to be motivated by factors beyond the merits of the case against me. However, I will continue to stand firm in my beliefs and convictions, it seems few are willing to do this with cancel culture at an all-time high and with the terms "racist" and "bigot" being thrown around without consequence. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the constituents and supporters who have stood by me over the years.

My commitment to fighting for a better South Africa remains unwavering, and while this chapter with the DA may be coming to an end, my journey of service to my country is far from over. I remain committed to the pursuit of a just and prosperous South Africa for all, and I will continue to pursue these goals with integrity, whether inside or outside the political sphere. I would like to emphasize that this is not the end. I will be exploring all legal and ethical options available to me to challenge this decision and clear my name.

My commitment to my work and the people I serve remains my top priority. Thank you to all who have supported me during this difficult time. It's refreshing to see that most are not swayed by the agendas of some media houses. I'm looking forward to having robust engagements with everyone soon.


Renaldo Gouws