The proud history of the South African Communist Party
The recent remarks by FW de Klerk would not be worth our time and response as he is a politician who has long reached his sell-by date, and an apartheid political dinosaur in the true sense of the word. But for the record it is important to comment about the SACP and the National Democratic Revolution so that no one must be misled by this last president of the illegitimate, minority apartheid regime.
All what de Klerk is saying about the SACP is nothing but an attempt at resuscitating the classical, but failed, apartheid ‘rooi gevaar' tactic which was used by his now extinct National Party and its criminal apartheid regime not only to persecute communists but as part of the whole armoury to fight against the liberation movement. The apartheid regime of which he was a part for his entire adult life, committed acts and pursued policies that were rightly declared as a crime against humanity by the international community. This was often done by the apartheid regime in the name of fighting communism and communists.
De Klerk's latest anti-communist burst is nothing more than rehashing this nonsense, and in fact exposing that the likes of him no longer have any relevance in today's South Africa, if they ever did at all. Not so long ago he let the cat out of the bag by clearly stating he still firmly believes that the bantustan policies were the correct ones for South Africa.
It is indeed a shame that the SABC even ran some of de Klerk's comments as headline news in some of its radio stations, as if what he is saying is anything profoundly new, insightful or remotely progressive. We hope the public broadcaster won't be tempted to hark back to the days of Radio Bantu, Radio South Africa and Springbok Radio, especially by those of its elements in the Board and news services who share de Klerk's anti-communist and anti-SACP sentiments!
We need to remind de Klerk that the reason why his National Party is extinct today, and the SACP has just emerged from its largest Congress ever, with the largest membership in its history, simply reflects the starkly different roles that these two formations have played in the history of South Africa. The National Party till today still remains guilty of one of the most heinous crimes against humanity, whilst the SACP has a proud history of having fought against this evil and the National Party-led apartheid regime!