Hackers of police website expose whistle-blowers - Pieter Groenewald

FF+ MP says SAPS should take full responsibility for poor security measures on its site (May 22)

Cyber-hackers of Police website reveal whistle-blowers

 "Poor security on the Police's website is the cause for cyber-hackers revealing more than 15 700 whistle-blowers' identities to the world. Whistle-blowers' identity numbers , telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are now public on the internet and creates a security risk for the whistle-blowers. This means that poor measures were in place on the Police's website and the Police should take full responsibility for it," Mr. Pieter Groenewald, chief spokesperson on Police for the Freedom Front Plus says.

"Whistle-blowers are very vulnerable because criminals target them and even murder them to ensure they are not found guilty in court. Due to the poor protection by the Police, the personal information of whistle-blowers is now known to criminals. Should any damage be done to any whistle-blower as a result of this breach they would be able to institute a claim against the Police for which taxpayers will once again have to pay," Groenewald says.

It was revealed that cyber-hackers on Friday 17 May 2013 had placed all the data of the Police's website onto a website to which the public has access.

According to eNCA.com cyber-hackers informed the public via Twitter about the information and that they had created a police security breach and that it "was for the miners who died during the clashes with the police in Marikana on 16 August 2012." A comprehensive list of whistle-blowers was downloaded by eNCA.com and could contact whistle-blowers directly due to this information.

"It is incidents like these which further damages the public's trust in the Police," Groenewald said.

Statement issued by Mr. Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus chief spokesperson: Police, May 22 2013

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