Gigaba must answer for Gupta citizenship tomorrow in Portfolio Committee
The briefing earlier today by Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba, on the status of the Gupta’s South African citizenship, has only inspired more confusion and the matter is now as clear as mud.
Tomorrow, Gigaba will be back in the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs and he must answer to whether he or the IEC has misled Parliament and the people of South Africa.
Gigaba stated that neither Ajay Gupta nor Atul Gupta are South African citizens as Ajay did not renounce Indian citizenship and Atul never applied for South African citizenship.
However, reports indicate that not only does Atul Gupta have a South African passport and identity number, ending in the digits 080 which are only assigned to South African citizens.
The DA can also confirm that Atul Gupta, Arti Gupta, Shivani Gupta, Rajesh Gupta are all registered voters on our voter registration system. Further, if you enter the ID number, allegedly belonging to Atul Gupta on the IEC website, it confirms that the person is registered as a voter at the Saxonwold Primary School.