Malema erred in thinking he was untouchable - Kallie Kriel

AfriForum CEO welcomes arrest warrant following laying of corruption charge in July last year

AfriForum welcomes warrant for Malema's arrest

The civil rights organisation, AfriForum, that laid a charge of corruption with the SAPS against Julius Malema on 24 July 2011, has welcomed the news that a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Malema on these charges.

Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, has congratulated the Hawks, as well as AfriForum's own investigation unit on the professional way in which they conducted their respective investigations against Malema, resulting in this warrant being issued according to reports.

AfriForum's charge against Malema was made in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (Act 12 of 2004) and laid at the Brooklyn Police Station in Pretoria.  This charge concerned the fact that Malema allegedly used the Ratanang Family Trust, of which he is the sole trustee, as vehicle for obtaining compensation from business people in exchange for his assistance to ensure that government tenders were granted to them.

According to Kriel, the issuing of the warrant sends a very clear message to all leaders that no-one is above the law.  "Malema made a serious error in judgement by thinking that he is untouchable," Kriel said.

Kriel stated that the fact that someone like Malema, who claims to represent the poor, according to the findings of the investigations against him, in fact helped to plunder the state coffers to enrich himself at the cost of service delivery to the poor, is a disgrace.

Statement issued by Kallie Kriel, CEO: AfriForum, September 21 2012

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