Recall Qwelane - COPE

Phillip Dexter says former columnist not fit to serve as ambassador for SA

The Congress of the People welcomes the ruling by the Equality Court against South Africa's ambassador to Uganda, Jon Qwelane, finding him guilty of hate speech. We also note that so far, Mr Qwelane has refused to apologize and we wait in anticipation for his public apology, as ordered by the court.

COPE stands for the upholding of basic human rights and dignity. For Mr Qwelane to have unapologetically equated homosexuality with bestiality betrays his ignorance and prejudice. In a country where corrective rape of lesbians, and even those suspected of being lesbian, discrimination based on sexual preference and gender is on the rise, Mr Qwelane's statements were irresponsible.

The judgment, together with the R100 000 fine sends out a strong message that hate speech will not be tolerated. The struggle was fought and won for all those who are discriminated against, including those who face discrimination based on sexual preference.

Regardless of the fact that the Department of International Relations and Co-operation see this ruling as a personal issue, the fact of the matter remains that this incident is an international embarrassment. The decision to appoint Qwelane to this position was a political one, and the executive must surely have known that a man with such parochial and unsophisticated sensibilities is not suitable to occupy any position representing South Africa and its liberal constitution as a diplomat.

We call for the immediate recall of Jon Qwelane by President Zuma. His views and refusal to apologize for his offensive remarks are not what is to be expected of a 21st century diplomat.

Statement issued by COPE Head of Communications - Phillip Dexter, May 31 2011

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