"Sunpower shines on little hero!" - Daily Sun

The front page and lead story of SA's largest daily newspaper, April 25 2013

Daily Sun (April 25 2013) - ONLY two days ago, the family of SunHero Spelele were staring at the smouldering remains of their house. But yesterday, SunPower brought some sunshine into the lives of this brave boy, his proud father and happy siblings . . .WHILE FACING AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE THEY CAN LOOK FORWARD TO AT LEAST ONE HERO'S FEAST! The story of four-year-old Spelele Mzizane, who saved his sister and brother from certain death in the house of flames, touched many people.

The primary school that Spelele's brother, Njabulo (9), attends opened their hearts - and their food cupboards - to the family. The principal of RP Maphanzela Primary school, Arthur Mashele, said one of Njabulo's teachers Thabo Mdluli told him what had happened. "We discussed the situation and decided to help the family with food parcels," he said. See the Daily Sun mobi site for more...

The Daily Sun is South Africa's largest daily newspaper with an average circulation of 330 000 and a readership of 5.7m (as per AMPS 2012ab). It's Facebook page can be accessed here. It can be followed on Twitter here. To find about advertising on the Daily Sun click here.

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