DA’s latest election stunt appalling – COSATU

Party mimicking burning of flag a reminder of their tone-deaf insensitivity toward dark days of apartheid

COSATU is appalled by the latest DA elections stunt (burning the national flag)

7 May 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) like millions of other sober South Africans, is appalled by the latest Democratic Alliance (DA) elections stunt mimicking the burning of the national flag.

This is a reminder once again of the DA’s tone-deaf insensitivity towards millions of South Africans who experienced the most horrific forms of abuse during the dark days of apartheid. 

The national flag is a symbol of reconciliation.  The DA’s desperation to score likes on social media is not only offensive but undermines the nation’s collective efforts to overcome the still painful wounds of the past and the inequalities of today.

We have many difficult challenges that we need to collectively overcome as a society.  These require all of us to play our role, be it government, Business, Labour and society as well as political parties across the ideological spectrum.  We expect better from the Official Opposition than such ill-considered and juvenile antics.

Given the DA’s recent unhinged attacks on the rights of domestic workers to be paid a minimum wage or its shameful proposals to slash the wages of cleaners in the public service, perhaps it’s time for an intervention in the frat party masquerading as the DA’s elections team by the elder statesmen in the DA.

Issued by Matthew Parks, Acting National Spokesperson & Parliamentary Coordinator, COSATU, 7 May 2024