Edward Zuma heckles 'lying' Gordhan during anti-looting speech

President's son accuses former finance minister of having sold out SA to Rupert

Edward Zuma heckles 'lying' Gordhan during anti-looting speech

Pietermaritzburg - President Jacob Zuma's son Edward has heckled former finance minister Pravin Gordhan during an anti-looting speech.

"Pravin, your are lying!" bellowed the younger Zuma.

"You sold this country to Rupert!" he shouted, as Gordhan called for an active citizenry to prevent individuals with personal motives from looting the country.

Delivering the keynote address during the Gandhi Memorial Lecture in Mountain Rise, Pietermaritzburg, on Friday evening, Gordhan was labelled a traitor for voting with opposition MPs in trying to oust his father as the country's president.

Other protesters waved placards labelling Gordhan a stooge of white monopoly capital. But Gordhan pressed on, saying: "We must say boldly to those who are trying to derail us, that we will not allow that.

We must say, 'stuff the brown envelope regardless of how much money is in it'," said Gordhan. He challenged the protesting group to tell their "masters" that looting of state coffers would not be allowed.

He added that his former deputy Mcebisi Jonas had demonstrated such commitment to the country’s dream when he refused a bribe from the Gupta family.

"We must learn something from Jonas and be able to say South Africa is not for sale," said Gordhan to the applause of the audience that included KwaZulu-Natal Human Settlements MEC Ravi Pillay.

He said Mahatma Gandhi, like former president Nelson Mandela, had demonstrated a resolute spirit and commitment to serve people and their countries.

While South Africa had negotiated its way out of apartheid into democracy, there were still problems that needed to be tackled, such as having nine million people unemployed, and very high levels of inequality.

The event was heavily guarded by police following rumours of disruptions.

Zuma left once Gordhan had finished speaking.
