Praise Hamas at your own peril

Tova Herzl says justifying pure evil will empower like-minded people everywhere

Sitting in Jerusalem and hearing unending reports of horrors inflicted on civilians on October 7, I watch with disbelief the support for Hamas which is increasingly evident on the streets of countries whose people should know better. This is particularly true of South Africa, where the remarkable transition from apartheid to democracy was made possible inter alia by the conscious decision of the ANC to avoid targeting white civilians in its struggle.

At the outset let me say that I am a vocal critic of the current government, of its policies, and of its long serving prime minister, Benajmin Netanyahu. However, those who view the atrocities as a response to the current extremist government or even to Israel's decades long occupation, are not only deluding themselves, but also endangering the very lifestyle which allows them to take to the streets and demonstrate, and in fact are endangering themselves.

What kind of desire for self-determination expresses itself in decapitating babies? Are there political aspirations which justify burning entire families alive, shooting ninety-year-old women at point blank range, dragging wheelchair bound people to captivity, and then setting photos and films of all this to heroic music? Who applauds such acts?

Make no mistake. The perpetrators of those actions, who use their own people as human shields, do not seek to build, but to destroy. They are driven by hatred which they justify theologically. Many of us humans speak to our chosen divinity, but none are so dangerous as those who believe they personally hear the precise response, and that it instructs them to murder and to rape. We saw it with ISIS, we see it now with Hamas.

It is not just Israel which is threatened; Muslim extremism is not limited to Gaza. Last week, a schoolteacher in France was stabbed to death, the knife wielding murderer shouting "Allahu Akbar". And why not, if it is permitted against Jews in the Middle East? Justification of pure evil such as the world witnessed this past week will empower like-minded people elsewhere to perpetrate similar actions, as they see fit.

It is legitimate to criticize the government of Israel and many of its policies and policy makers. It is in order to advocate for a two-state solution, Israel and Palestine, speak for a federation, suggest cantons, or even to demand a one state solution. But supporting an unprecedented rampage of brutality does nothing to further the Palestinian cause. In fact, it sets it back, while encouraging its export to other parts of the world.

Anyone who cares about the Palestinians, as well everyone who values their own freedom, liberty and safety, should at this time separate their support of the cause from the barbaric actions of those who claim to speak for it. Israel has suffered a blow but it will take care of itself. As for Hamas cheerleaders, make sure that you do not wake up one morning and discover that your support of such self-righteous brutality does not turn around, and you will find that it threatens you.

Tova Herzl served as Israel's ambassador to South Africa between 2001 and 2003. She took early retirement immediately after.