MUCH frayed nerves and gritted teeth this week as the chattering classes tossed out the cheesy portmanteaus and dreadful neologisms. The rot began with Ramaphoria, and then came Ramafail, Ramareality and Ramarecession. We have even endured Ramageddon, and it may well be that a Ramapocalypse is also in the offing.
Could it get any worse? What about Ramafications, as in “of the political mismanagement, corruption and ineptitude of the administration of former president Jacob Zuma”?
This is a thought that has now occurred to Enoch Godongwana, chair of the ANC’s economic transformation subcommittee; it was, he has admitted, thanks to Accused Number One’s bunch who so disastrously set about the economy over the past five years that we’re now in a recession for the first time since 2009.
Here at the Mahogany Ridge, we were taken aback such frankness. It was as if someone had opened the curtains to reveal the bigger picture, and that picture was of a huge, sopping mess. To wit:
The country has had four different finance ministers in a topsy-turvy two-year period that battered the rand and wrought political havoc; close Zuma ally Tom Moyane’s crony curatorship of our taxes resulted in a R50-billion shortfall in collections in the last financial year, with the result that VAT was raised for the first time in two decades; state-owned entities, from the post office to SAA, were debt-ridden and barely functional; basic education was failing; health services were collapsing; and the Guptas had stolen everything.