“2019? That’s such an ugly number. It doesn’t inspire much hope in me,” shuddered one woman at the New Year’s bash.
“No, nonsense!”, insisted the inevitable contrarian. “It’s a prime number, strong, and 19 at least it marks the end of the turbulent teen years of this century.”
It’s a commonplace kind of exchange. At the beginning of every year, we embark upon our new chronology with both hope and trepidation. The proportions of those two factors depends not so much on knowledge and analysis — we should know by now that Fate excels at bowling us googlies — but on our personal cocktail’s blend of optimism and pessimism.
In contrast to this futile seeking of omens for our own future, the numerology is clear for South Africa as an entity. This is the 25th year of our democracy. January 8 is also the 106th anniversary of the African National Congress and marks the campaign launch of the party’s sixth general election, which in turn will determine the tenor of the next five years.
Most grown-up political organisations celebrate only the big dates: the anniversary of the 191-year-old existence of the Democratic Party in the United States will go unheralded; the 185th anniversary of Britain’s governing Conservative Party will, given the chaos of Brexit, at best elicit an ironic cheer.