On Monday, 4 September, the Free Market Foundation's Rule of Law Project (RoLP) appeared before the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) in Bloemfontein as an amicus curia in the hate speech case between AfriForum and Julius Malema. The RoLP argued that hate speech law is not being equally applied in South Africa and that the SCA has an important opportunity to set a precedent that will make consistent application by our courts mandatory.
Advocate Mark Oppenheimer appeared on behalf of AfriForum in the Equality Court and gave Malema plenty of rope to hang himself with. Malema did so, but to the shock of all sober-minded South Africans, the Equality Court found in August 2022 that Malema and his Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) were not guilty of hate speech.
It is this ruling that AfriForum is appealing. Advocate Oppenheimer now represented the RoLP, acting as a friend of the court.
The RoLP believes that there is a significant flaw in South Africa's legal system when it comes to the application of hate speech law and related doctrines used to combat hate speech, such as crimen iniuria.
We are shocked by the Equality Court's ruling, not because Malema is actually guilty (he is), but because the same court has deemed other abhorrent statements by individuals like Jon Qwelane, Penny Sparrow, Vicki Momberg, and Kenny Kunene as hate speech on considerably less serious grounds. We must also not forget that the lifeless old South African flag was also declared hate speech by the Equality Court.
But apparently, Malema's rhetoric does not qualify!