Hmmm, 15% VAT on imported food as hunger looms?
12 February 2016
Dear Family and Friends,
They are selling cows in drought affected rural areas for as little as 50 US dollars a head. Normally villagers can expect to realize 300 – 400 US dollars for a cow but not this year. Things are so tough, money so short and conditions so hard that in some areas people are selling their cows because they can’t afford to keep them alive.
“Stock feed,” one man said to me in exclamation; “we can’t even afford to feed ourselves, let alone the cattle.”
Sixteen years ago this month land invasions began in Zimbabwe. At the time we were told they were “spontaneous demonstrations,” and as unbelievable as it is, they are still going on today. For every day, week, month and year that farm grabs continue, Zimbabwe remains in a perilous place.