Madiba supported Palestinian rights – MRN

Hamas, as leading edge of resistance, has clear understanding of oppressive tools used by Netanyahu regime of hard-line fascists

On Mandela Day

18 July 2024

As the world commemorates Mandela Day, we recall Nelson Mandela's solid, unwavering support for Palestinian rights. 

Almost three decades ago, in a speech on the occasion of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, he made these iconic remarks which have been resounding across the four corners of the world:

"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians" 

In light of the gruesome genocide that the settler colonial regime is perpetrating in the besieged Gaza Strip, it is equally important to know that Nelson Mandela would have unconditionally and without any qualms, opposed Israel and all its backers. 

Unlike the hypocrisy and double standards that the West led by America has shamelessly displayed, Mandela would have adopted a strident approach on behalf of Palestine. 

Sure, his priority would be peace but as he explained his reasons to justify armed struggle, he would have applied the same logic in defence of Palestinian armed resistance:

"Choose peace rather than confrontation. Except in cases where we cannot get, where we cannot proceed, or we cannot move forward. Then if the only alternative is violence, we will use violence." 

Palestinians have been inspired by his legacy and know that having spent 27 years in jail, Mandela did not retire nor give up the goals of liberation. 

Instead, he continued the struggle by tearing down South Africa's apartheid system before emerging as the country's first black president. 

Palestine's freedom struggle led by the Resistance, has many parallels with Mandela's. So too does parallels between Israeli Occupation, Apartheid and oppression of Palestinians and the situation faced by South Africa's black majority. 

Hamas, as the leading edge of Palestinian Resistance, has a clear understanding of the oppressive tools used by the Netanyahu regime of hard-line fascists. 

The courage and resilience of Palestinians the world has come to see first-hand, amidst the pain and suffering they face as they endure relentless carnage via American bombs, reminds us that Apartheid Israel awaits to be torn down. 

It is in the context of the horror of the Gaza Genocide, that Media Review Network's contribution to mark Mandela Day, is to offer free copies of our publication "Shattering Zionist Myths" - authored by Dr Firoz Osman, to all school libraries. 

Libraries are invited to email [email protected].za to obtain copies.

Issued by Iqbal Jassat, Executive Member, Media Review Network, 18 July 2024