Maidens Bursary scheme policy ruled unconstitutional by the Commission for Gender Equality
24 June 2016
In January 2016, the Maidens Bursary scheme was introduced by the mayor of the UThukela District, a condition of which is that the girls had to remain virgins and focus on their education. This bursary scheme had as one of its requirements the testing of the virginity of the girls. The first brief on this topic written in April 2016 it highlighted the unconstitutionality of such a bursary scheme [1]. The matter has been considered by the Commission for Gender Equality which ruled that the Maidens Bursary was unfair and unconstitutional. The Commission is established under Section 187 of the Constitution and the Commission on Gender Equality Àct (39 of 1996. Section 11(1)(e) of the Act provides that the Commission:
shall investigates any gender-related issues of its own accord or on receipt of a complaint, and shall endeavour to
i. resolve any dispute; or