Police Ministry announces new police ranks, March 11 2010
"Change forms part of transformation of a new, effective and disciplined force"
The Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa today announced that the new ranks of the members of the police will be implemented on 1 April 2010.
"Police forces around the world are referred to as the Force and their ranks are accordingly linked to such designations. We have taken a stance as this government of fighting crime and fighting it tough. The rank changes are therefore in line with our transformation of the force, not only in terms of a name-change but change in attitude, thinking and operational duties," he stated.
The ministry is neither naïve nor folly that a mere change in ranks will automatically lead to dramatic decline in crimes.
"We are cognisant of the fact that this is a process in progress, in other words, change will not come overnight. This should not be misinterpreted as merely the militarisation of the police but as part of our new approach of being fierce towards criminals, while lenient to citizens' safety and maintaining good discipline within the force.