WONDERFUL news reaches us here at the Mahogany Ridge - we are to become Malaysian Tigers. In the economic sense, that is.
President Jacob Zuma was going on about it in the National Assembly just yesterday, in his response to the State of the Nation debate.
Pretoria has apparently been in discussion with their Malaysian counterparts to this end and will next month be launching Operation Phakisa, which is the Zuma administration's customised version of the "methodology" of Kuala Lumpur's big kick up the pants of their transformation programme.
The Ridge regulars tell me that Phakisa means "speed it up". The Malaysians called their methodology "Big Fast Results". Perhaps imitation really is a sincere form of flattery.
"The methodology involves setting clear targets and following up with on-going monitoring of progress and making the results public," Zuma said, "Using this implementation methodology, the government of Malaysia was able to register impressive results within a short period."
The Department of Environmental Affairs - and not, as you'd imagine, Trade and Industries or Economic Development - is to lead the first implementation of Phakisa. "It will focus on unlocking the economic potential of SA's oceans, which are estimated to have the potential to contribute up to R177bn to the GDP by 2033 compared to R54bn in 2010."