SACP welcomes hand over of State Capture Inquiry Report II

Private companies that aided or benefitted from state capture must be held to account, says Party

SACP welcomes hand over of State Capture Inquiry Report

2 February 2022

The South African Communist Party (SACP) welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s decision to release the second part of the report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector after receiving it on Tuesday, 1 February 2022. This second part of the report deals with issues related to Transnet and Denel.

The SACP will study the complete report of the commission and produce a comprehensive response. With Part 2 of the report now officially released, we expect the outstanding Part 3 to be submitted to President Ramaphosa once the commission has completed it, in line with the applicable deadline.

In the here and now, the SACP reiterates its position, that private corporations, including the multinational corporations from the United States of America, Western Europe, and other private companies that aided or benefitted from state capture, must be held to account, including through prosecution and civil proceedings.

The fight against corruption must be strengthened on all fronts, including in respect of Special Investigating Unit (SIU) investigations.

The SACP calls for implementation of SIU recommendations from COVID-19 related procurement investigation

The SACP calls upon the National Prosecuting Authority to swiftly act on those cases referred to prosecutorial investigation by the SIU in its report focusing on COVID-19 related allegations of procurement corruption or irregularities.

Similarly, relevant authorities should act in respect of the cases referred to disciplinary processes.

The SIU has committed itself to instituting civil proceedings to recover the losses incurred by the state as a result of corrupt acts. The SACP welcomes this decision.

President Ramaphosa authorised the public release of the report on Tuesday, 25 January 2022.

Building widest unity

The SACP will strengthen its efforts to build a widest possible patriotic front and a popular Left front, with ending crime and corruption as part of their strategic objectives.

Rooting out the scourge of corruption, both in the public and private sector, is crucial to the necessity to move the national democratic revolution into a second radical phase and to advance, deepen and defend it.

Issued by Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo, SACP Central Committee Member, 2 February 2022